2001-29 City Council MembersCity Council Members may not vote on matters affecting a company employing them or paying them retirement benefits.
2002-05 Registered Lobbyist
A Registered Lobbyist may not serve on the Citizens Legislative Compensation Commission, pursuant to the Commission's Legislative Voting Rule, Title 158, Series 9, which has since been repealed.
2002-13 City Council Member
A City Council member may not vote on a motion to appoint himself to serve as Mayor, a full-time compensated position.
2003-04 Mayor
A Mayor may be temporarily employed by the city as the city manager. Mayor has a clear financial interest in the matter, so his recusal is required.
2003-10 Board of Education Member
A Board of Education member may vote on matters regarding a private business in which her children have an interest, via a trust.
2003-12 State Board Members
State Board members and employees may not take action on a corporation in which they have a more than a de minimis financial interest.
2004-03 Planning Commissioner
A Municipal Planning Commissioner may not vote, pursuant to the Commission's Legislative Voting Rule, Title 158, Series 9, which has since been repealed, on a zoning request involving an adjacent contiguous property. Class exception does not apply due to the commissioner's unique financial interest.
2004-04 County Commissioner
A County Commissioner may not vote on a motion to pay his attorney fees because the matter was "personal" to him, per the Commission's Legislative Voting Rule, Title 158, Series 9, which has since been repealed. The voting restrictions are now in the Act and do not contain a "personal" matter voting prohibition.
2004-06 State Board Member
A State Board member who holds a de minimis amount of stock in a publicly traded company may vote on legal action against the company. The Commission decides whether a financial interest is de minimis on a case-by-case basis.
2004-17 State Board Member
A State Board member may not vote on a complaint investigation if he had a personal interest in the matter, pursuant to the Commission's Legislative Voting Rule, Title 158, Series 9, which has since been repealed.
2004-19 State Board Member
A State Board member may vote to change fees for real estate developers even though his brother is a developer pursuant to the class exception.
2005-06 City Council Member
A City’s procedural rule purporting to require a council member to vote despite abstention at direction of presiding official are inconsistent with state ethics statute.
2005-12 County Planning Commission
Board member may not vote on matters regarding developers or contractors who are current business customers. (Overruled by AO 2021-21.)
2005-14 County Commission
A County Commission may adopt a more specific recusal procedure.
2006-06 State Legislator
A Legislator is subject to the House rules for voting.
2006-09 City Mayor
A Mayor is permitted to vote where only hypothetical private gain involved.
2009-04 County School Board Member
A BOE member may vote on matters pertaining to the continuation of the superintendent's employment contract despite civil litigation against superintendent by school board member's employer's department head since school board member lacks financial interest in outcome of lawsuit.
2009-06 City Council Member
A City Council member may vote on matters relating to a church in which he is a member absent a financial interest.
2009-07 County Commissioner
A County Commissioner may not appear in a representative capacity in any probate proceeding before the County Commission, even if uncontested, but may testify as witness to will's validity before County Commission.
2009-08 State Agency--overruled, in part, by Advisory Opinion 2017-22
State Board members associated with entities which may have financial interest in Agency's contracts may not serve on subcommittee which reviews and recommends funding proposals.
2009-14 Part-time Appointed Board Member
A part-time appointed Board member must recuse herself from matters related to a contract between the board and her employer.
2010-04 County Board of Education
A BOE may contract with a private non-profit when one of the BOE members sits on the Board of the non-profit. The common Board member does not vote on any matters relating to the non-profit and recuses himself from the decision-making process and vote. (This portion was overruled by AO 2011-12)
2010-13 County Board of Education Member
The BOE member's spouse may be employed as auditor, a service position that meets exception in § 61-10-15. Member may not vote on matters specific to his wife including raise, renewal of employment contract, or discipline. Member may vote on overall budget, but must recuse himself if BOE specifically addresses a line item that affects his wife or all four auditors.
2011-01 County Council Member
A County Council member’s business may appraise estates so long she recuses herself from any matters coming before the County Council involving the probate of any estate her business appraised; her business may not appraise any estates over which the Sheriff is the administrator; her business should be removed from the Fiduciary Supervisor’s list of available appraisers; she may not appear as a representative or witness, before the Council. Council member may not accept protected persons from the Sheriff for placement in her nursing home, absent a contract exemption from the Sheriff.
2011-02 County Council Member
A County Council member’s business may contract with a multi-county Conservation District under the following circumstances:
(1) the contract is let via a sealed bid process;
(2) the project is not funded by County money;
(3) the project is not the subject of an agreement between the District and the County including any agreement for flood control as authorized by W.Va. Code § 19-21A-13 ; and (4) the affected Member recuses himself from the District’s appropriation request or any request for funding.
Opinion does not authorize the employment of County Commissioners or County Council Members, their spouses or dependents, by Conservation Districts in the County where they serve.
2011-09 County Hospital
A County Hospital may accept unsolicited offer of equipment and related services from appointed board member, but only if an independent evaluation determines that the overriding benefit is to the governing body rather than the donor and it receives permission from the Ethics Commission. (Modifies AO 1995-09 by clarifying that the donation (as opposed to the leasing) of property does not constitute a public contract.
2011-12 Town
Town officials may vote to appropriate funds to a non-profit organization on which they and/or their family members serve as uncompensated board members and/or officers. (Overrules portion of AO 2010-04)
2011-15 - Board of Health Member
A Board of Health member, who is the past president of a fraternal organization which sued the Board, is required to recuse himself from lawsuit matters. The member who has business interests affected by the health's smoking regulations may vote even if he is a member and/or officer of an organization which has an interest in Clean Air regulations due to class exception. (partially overruled by AO 2021-08.)
2011-16- Board of Health Member
A Board of Health who is a member of a fraternal order which belongs to a fraternal organization which sued the Board of Health is required to recuse himself from being involved in deliberations or votes relating to the lawsuit. (partially overruled by AO 2021-08.)
2011-18 - Industry representatives on the governing council of a State Agency
State Board Industry Representatives may not serve on the initial review panel for grant applications.(Overruled by Advisory Opinion 2017-22.) May vote on draft legislative rules relating to the award of grants absent a prohibited interest necessitating recusal.
2012-01 Council Member
A City building inspector may serve on City Council, but he must perform his Council duties on his own time, not during his public work hours. He may not vote on a personnel matter which affects him directly.
City employed building inspector serving on City Council must recuse himself when citizens who are affected by his official actions come before City Council to address or dispute his official actions.
2012-02 County Commission
A County Commission may buy property from real estate business with which a County Commissioner is associated, but has no prohibited financial interest. No prohibited financial interest where Commissioner is not: a director or officer; the listing agent for the property; or, entitled to receive any commission from the sale of the property. Recusal may be required.
2012-07 Mayor
A Mayor may not use public resources for the benefit of his private business; may not solicit private business from subordinates; may not distribute promotional materials concerning his private business from his office and/or in City/Town Hall; may not have an interest in a public contract, with certain exceptions; must recuse himself when a current customer appears before Council; and when serving as municipal judge, must, if customer within past six months appears, disclose the fact thereof and recuse himself if either party requests. (Overruled, in part, by AO 2021-21.)
2012-13 Board of Education Member
A BOE member may contract with a public university to supervise university students during their placement in public schools in the county where he serves so long as he does not use any public resources, including BOE staff, to perform his private contractual duties. Agreement between public university and BOE is not a public contract.
2012-17 Presiding Officer of a House of West Virginia Legislature
A Presiding Officer of a House may not be retained to provide legal services to an Association which is actively engaged in lobbying; proposed employment contract presents an inescapable conflict, given the unique position held and power wielded by the presiding officer. (Opinion is limited to Presiding Officers of Houses of Legislature.)
2012-19 Legislator
A Legislator may be retained to provide consulting services to public University during and after his term of office. Conflict of interest cured by his removal from potentially overlapping committees. He may not use his position to enhance his contractual benefits; or introduce, sponsor or advocate legislation or appropriations to benefit the University. Modified by AO 2023-09 (analyzing voting on matters affecting another public employer)
2012-21 Local Health Department
Any person or public entity subject to the Ethics Act may seek advisory opinion about their own prospective conduct.
2012-24 Mayor
A Mayor may reside with father who is employed by City, but may not exercise supervisory control over his father/city employee. May participate in collective bargaining agreement negotiations with union of City employees of which father is a member via class exception.
2012-37 Mayor
$100/year compensation for serving on City Council de minimis. The appointment to position on Council not a public contract. Mayor may vote for candidate to fill vacancy on Council who is a customer of her husband.
2012-39 County Commissioner
A County Commissioner may vote in matters relating to Prosecuting Attorney's Office, even though they own a business together since a Prosecutor's salary set by statute.
2012-41 County Board of Health
A Licensed septic tank cleaner may serve on County Board of Health. Application to County Board of Health for tri-annual license does not constitute appearing before agency on which he serves for purposes of contesting issuance of license or permit.
2012-42 Conservation District
A Conservation District may award $500 scholarship per calendar year to District supervisor’s child so long as District supervisor recuses him/herself.
2012-44 State Agency
A State Agency may appropriate a de minimis amount of State resources ($1,500) to a related Association to provide matching funds to allow the Association to secure a grant. The Executive Director's serving on Association’s Board is part of Director’s public job duties. Chairperson of State Agency who serves on Association’s Board by virtue of his/her private employment with a large non-profit should recuse himself from voting on contributing money to Association.
2012-46 City Council Member
A City may contract with a Council Member’s law firm since he is an employee of law firm, not owner or director. Member is subject to recusal.
2012-48 State Licensing Board
• May not hire candidate for executive director when candidate rents from Board Member who is also subject to the Board’s regulation.
• Although candidate received property exemption to lease from Board Member, its terms require him and his subordinates to be removed from all matters affecting Board Member.
• Impossible for candidate to comply with requirements of property exemption due to Board’s small staff, administrative structure, and business relationship between candidate and Board Member.
2012-47 County Commissioner
A County Commissioner may serve as a voting member of a County Ambulance Authority, a subunit of county government. County Commissioner does not have prohibited financial interest and may vote on matters affecting the Authority which come before County Commission.
2012-53 County Board of Education
BOE member should recuse when the BOE considers his travel expense reimbursement requests.
2013-01 Mayor
A City may employ mayor’s daughter, subject to limitations. Governing body must advertise all positions in which member of body knows in advance that family member is interested therein. Mayor must recuse him/herself from all decisions regarding candidates, including: deciding whether position needs to be filled; writing job description or establishing job requirements; reviewing applications or resumes; interviewing applicants; ranking applicants; and participating in decision-making process.
2013-03 Solid Waste Authority
A Member/banker who has been directly involved in approving loans for Board Member/waste hauler within past 12 months must recuse himself from matters affecting Member/waste hauler, unless he is affected as member of class of five or more. If Member/banker is only a bank board member who has not been directly involved with loans to Member/waste hauler, then recusal is not required.
2013-11 State Legislator
A Legislator may not sponsor legislation relating to issue upon which he advised a client of his private law practice prior to his election to Legislature when bill uniquely affects his client, rather than class of five or more. Presiding Officer determines whether to excuse Legislator from voting.
2013-18 County Commissioner
A County Commissioner has no financial interest in an insurance firm seeking the board’s patronage, when he is merely a customer of the insurance firm.
2013-19 City Council Member
A Town council member may not rent a building owned by the town. The prior lease was proper, as the town council member was not a member at the time of original lease.
2013-24 Regional Solid Waste Authority
A Regional Solid Waste Authority may continue to contract with an insurance agency while the Authority’s Chairperson is Vice President and a principal thereof due to the part time appointed exceptiion
2013-25 Board Member of Conservation District
A Conservation District may not reimburse landowner expenses where the provider is a member of the Conservation District Board unless the Conservation District seeks and obtains a contract exemption from the Ethics Commission. - Obsolete. A Conflict of interest exists where the elected Board Member of Conservation District Board, votes to approve landowners’ applications to participate in the program and receive reimbursement for lime/fertilizer, and the board member effectively provides these products and services. - Obsolete
2013-30 State Agency Commissioner (overruled, in part, by AO 2022-19)
The Commissioner of a State Agency that promotes and regulates live dog and horse racing throughout the state is prohibited from retaining a 20% ownership interest in a horse that will compete in WV. (This commissioner would be subject to regulations which he/she is charged with enforcing, creating a conflict of interest.). State Agency Commissioner is prohibited from voting on matters related to horse racing.
2013-32 Town Council Member
A town council member may vote on matters related to the local branch of a nonprofit organization even though his/her father will be its Vice Chairperson. (The town council member’s father is not an employee of the nonprofit organization.)
Nonprofit does not fall under the definition of “business” under the Ethics Act.
2013-35 Housing Authority Inspector/Mayor
A Housing Authority may continue to employ a part time inspector who was recently elected Mayor of a nearby town, with limitations.
• The Mayor must recuse himself/herself from any matters regarding his Housing Authority employer.
• If the Mayor also serves as Municipal Judge, additional restrictions apply.
2013-47 Town Council Members, County Employees
Town Council members who are currently employed, or whose spouses are currently employed by the County Board of Education may vote on issues concerning property deeded to the Board of Education.
Business is “any entity through which business for profit is conducted”. This definition does not include a governing body. The Ethics Commission overrules AO 2012-05, and finds that the Ethics Act does not prohibit a public official from voting on a matter with which his/her public employer has a financial interest. Further, retired employees have no financial interest.
2013-53 County Board of Education
A county Board of Education member may vote on changing the BOE’s bank in which he/she is a shareholder holding less than 1% stock so. The board member must recuse himself/herself on votes regarding the bank.
2013-58 County Commission/Regional Drug Court Team
A Regional Drug Court Team and its Advisory Board may contract with a County Commissioner to provide dental services to a drug court participant, with limitations.
• The contract for dental work must be let out via a sealed bid process, dental work must not be funded by or comingled with funds from the county commission, and the affected county commissioner must recuse himself/herself from any Drug Court requests for funding directed to the County Commission.
• This dental work was to be paid for from individual donations and grants, and voluntary allocation of County Commission funds did not constitute direct authority or control.
2014-05 County Board of Education
A BOE may purchase a scoreboard from an athletic booster organization, a private, non-profit charitable organization, despite having a member who is common to both the governing body and the private organization. Common member is not required to recuse him/herself on any matters related to any to the boosters. Non- profit organizations are not encompassed in the Ethics Act definition of a “business.”
2014-10 Members of City Council
Members may vote, despite being potentially affected by ward boundary adjustment.
2014-14 City Council Member/Municipal Employee
Member may vote on general issues affecting municipal employees such as better working conditions, including raises, so long as there are more than five municipal employees, as well as issues affecting the overall municipal budget. He may further vote on issues directly affecting other departments which do not employ him. He must further recuse himself completely from any matters which affect him uniquely.
2014-23 Board of Education
Board of Education (BOE) employees and retirees and their spouses may serve as county commissioners and may vote on funding requests made by the BOE.
2014-24 County Economic Development Authority
Executive director of county economic development authority (EDA) may be employed by the EDA and serve as a member of the board of the county public service district.
2014-25 County Economic Development Authority
Board member of county economic development authority (EDA) may serve as a common board member to both the EDA and public service district (PSD), and the Requester may vote on any matters between the EDA and the PSD.
2015-01 Legislators
Legislator may continue his employment during the Legislative session as an attorney with a company that employs registered lobbyists when the legal services he provides are unrelated to the company’s lobbying activities.
2016-01 City
City requires no approval from the Ethics Commission in the absence of the City Engineer participating in the types of decisions contemplated by 7 CSR 1-12.4(g).
2016-03 Municipal Board Member
Member may vote on whether to grant a variance to a real estate developer who may receive a letter of support or favorable public comment from a non-profit organization on whose board he also serves.
2016-04 City
A City may continue to employ its mayor as city administrator. The Ethics Commission overrules AO 2006-05 and AO 2012-04, in part. The city may not show favoritism or give special treatment in making employment or personnel decisions affecting the mayor in his capacity as city administrator. The mayor must recuse himself from the vote and deliberation on personnel matters which directly affect him.
2016-13 City Council Member
A City Council member who is also a member of a neighborhood association and in a class of five or more similarly situated homeowners may vote on whether the city approves the development of a hilltop.
2017-12 A County Commissioner
A Member of County parks board may be employed by a Convention and Visitor’s Bureau (“CVB”) or serve on a CVB board even if the parks board provides some in-kind support to the CVB. He may not vote on the appropriations of money or the awarding of a contract to the CVB.
2017-14 County Commissioner
County Commissioner may vote on county contract with a contractor who is also a customer of the Commissioner’s construction supply business when the contractor does not use the Commissioner’s supplies on county projects because he lacks a prohibited financial interest in these county contracts.
2017-17 County Planning Commission Member
County planning commission members may not attend public hearings before the planning commission on which they serve on projects with which they are associated. They may, however, pursuant to a specific exception in the Ethics Act and related Code provision, communicate with planning commission staff outside of meetings and public hearings regarding the projects.
2017-19 County Planning Commission
Planning Commission members whose businesses use signs are not required to recuse themselves from matters related to the sign ordinance because they fall within a class of five or more similarly situated businesses that would not be uniquely affected by changes to the sign
2017-22 A State Agency
A part-time appointed state board member whose spouse has a finder’s fee agreement with property owners applying for inclusion in the board’s conservation easement program may serve on the board or one of its subcommittees, but must recuse himself from all board and subcommittee matters involving conservation easement applications. Advisory Opinion 2017-22 overrules, in part, Advisory Opinions 2009-08 and 2011-18
2018-09 A City
A City council member does not have a prohibited interest in a city’s proposed public contract to purchase property adjacent to the member’s residence and 28 other residences because the benefit to the member is not selective, differential or in disproportion to the benefit provided to the other 28 owners. The member may deliberate and vote on the purchase as a member of a class,
2019-06 County Commission
Commission may appoint all three County Commissioners to serve as three of five uncompensated members of a Parks and Recreation Authority, a subunit of county government. Should consult with its attorney on whether other laws permit proposed self-appointment. They may vote on matters affecting the Parks and Recreation Authority.
2019-08 A Mayor
A Mayor may vote on matters affecting a proposed hotel development project near properties he owns because he is a member of a class of five or more similarly situated persons who own property near the hotel project. No provision in the Act dictates whether a public agency may require the recusal of one of its members or exclude him or her from discussions and votes.
2019-10 A County Commissioner
A County Commissioner may participate in executive sessions, discussions and votes involving general matters that affect the County Development Authority on which her son serves as a member. She may not participate in matters which uniquely affect her son such as a disciplinary action against him.
2019-11 Town
The Town officials who are also current employees of a private, non-profit college may not vote on whether the Town donates cruisers to the college. The voting provision does not prohibit retired college employees from voting.
2019-15 Town Council Member
Council member may vote to approve payroll at future Town Council meetings when an incumbent mayor previously cast a tie-breaking vote on a motion to increase the mayor’s salary for the next term of office. The Ethics Act does not require the Council member to determine whether another official’s actions violate the Ethics Act.
2019-22 County Airport Authority Member
A hotel’s financial interest in the Airport Authority’s vote to create a Convention and Visitors Bureau is too speculative to prohibit an Airport Authority member from voting because the county commission, not the Authority, decides whether to raise the hotel occupancy tax rate. If the Hotel uses the parent company’s hangar space through its lease with the Airport Authority or the parent’s airfield passes, the Requester may not vote on these matters.
2019-23 County Airport Authority Member
A hotel’s financial interest in a county Airport Authority’s vote to create a Convention and Visitors Bureau is too speculative to prohibit an Airport Authority member from voting because the County Commission, not the Airport Authority, would decide whether to raise the hotel occupancy tax rate.
2020-06 County Commission
County Commissioners may participate in determining the validity of a lien against an estate if the County Commission has a lien against the estate for delinquent emergency ambulance service fees because the individual County Commissioners do not generally have a financial interest in the probate of estates.
2020-07 A City Council member
A City Council member may vote on the City’s budget which contains a line item appropriation to her public employer, a County Public Library.
2020-12 A County Commissioner
A County Commissioner may carry out the required ministerial duties on a board of canvassers in canvassing an election when the county commissioner is also a candidate in the elections. This decision is to be contrasted with county commissioners improperly judging an election contest or otherwise acting contrary to West Virginia election law.
2021-08 County Board of Education
A Board of Education (“BOE”) member need not recuse herself from updates on a lawsuit filed against the BOE by a sibling, who is a former employee of the BOE, when there is no financial relationship between the siblings and the lawsuit does not relate to the sibling’s prior employment with the BOE (partially overrules Advisory Opinions 1999-19, 2011-15 and 2011-16).
2021-12 Municipal Officials
A Mayor must recuse himself from matters related to a for-profit emergency services organization to which the municipality makes annual appropriations because he is an officer and/or a board member. A City Recorder and Council Members must recuse themselves from matters related to a business if they own five percent or more of the outstanding stock.
2021-13 County Board of Education Member
A BOE member may be employed as a teacher by a private, nonprofit school which contracts with the BOE to provide educational and behavioral health services to students due to a five-part exception in W. Va. Code § 61-10-15. Discusses the rules on voting on the BOE budget as it relates to the nonprofit school and the prohibition on voting on invoice payments to the nonprofit school.
2021-14 A County Commissioner
The County Commissioner’s business owns one of 100 parcels subject to a Corridor Development Plan of the County’s Comprehensive Plan; therefore, he is a member of a class of five or more similarly situated persons, and he may vote on matters relating to modifying the Plan.
2021-21 County Board of Education
A BOE member may vote on matters affecting a customer of his private construction business when the member is not associated with the business of the customer and does not have a direct and immediate financial interest in the matter. (partially overrules Advisory Opinions 2005-12 and 2012-07)
2022-03 City Council Member
A City council member’s son may serve as the city’s municipal judge. The council member may not participate in or vote on matters affecting his employment or working conditions unless the matter affects him as a member of a class of five or more similarly situated individuals.
2022-04 County Commissioner
A County commissioner does not have a financial interest in a TIF district by virtue of his employment by a business that has financial ties to the corporation requesting the TIF, and he may vote on the TIF application.
2022-06 County Board of Health President
A Member of the Board of Health, including the President, may be an unpaid member of the board of directors of a nonprofit hospital/health system when the only other health system in the County is not represented on the Board of Health. Must follow voting rule applicable to appropriations made to and contracts with non-profits.
2022-18 County Board of Education Member
A BOE may appoint one of its members to serve as an uncompensated county public library board member, and the BOE member may vote on financial matters affecting the public library board on which she serves.
2022-19 State Board Member
A State Board Member who has an ownership interest in for-profit educational institutions may not vote to approve and license programs at other educational institutions when his educational institutions offer the same degree program.
2023-09 College Professor
A state college employee may serve as a Legislator subject to the other restrictions in the Act. The Legislator need not recuse himself from voting on legislation or appropriations that benefit his public employer. To the extent that Advisory Opinions 2012-19 and 2012-23, which adopted these restrictions, conflict with the Ethics Commission’s holding, this Opinion controls. See also Article 6, Section 13, of the West Virginia Constitution.
2024-10 County Farmland Protection Board Member
A Farmland Protection Board member may vote on his uncle’s application for a conservation easement because the member does not have a financial interest in his uncle’s farmland and is not a relative or immediate family member of his.
Executive Director of a County Farmland Protection Board A County Farmland Protection Board member who works for a bank is not required to recuse himself when customers of the bank have matters before the Board unless the bank has a pecuniary interest in the transaction. (See also
Advisory Opinion 2021-21)