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 Final Decisions, Statements of Charges and Notices of Hearings

The following is a list of Statements of Charges, Notices of Hearings, Final Decisions, and other public documents in Complaint matters issued since 2009.

Documents may be viewed by clicking on the bold-faced titles in the right-hand column.​

​ ​
 Case No(s). Respondent Documents/Status
​VCRB 2023-44
​Roger Leatherman,
County Commissioner of Mineral County
AMENDED Notice of Hearing​​
​Notice of Hearing
Statement of Charges
Probable Cause Order

​VCRB 2023-47 
​Jerry Whisner, County Commissioner of Mineral County
AMENDED Notice of Hearing
Notice of Hearing
Statement of Charges
Probable Cause Order

​VCRB 2018-26​

​Lloyd "Allen" Cogar, City of Richwood, former Ch​ief of Police
Conciliation Agreement
Order to Continue H​​earing
Amended Notice of Hearing
Notice of Hearing​​
Statement of Charges
Probable Cause Order
​VCRB 2022-02

​Lillie Junkins, Vice Mayor, City of Clarksburg
Final Decision and Order
Second Amended Notice of Hearing
Notice of Continuance of Public Hearing
​Amended Notice of Hearing
Notice of Hearing
Statement of Charges
Probable Cause Order
​VCRB 2022-03

​Gary Keith, City Council Member, City of Clarksburg
Conciliation Agreement
Amended Notice of Hearing
Notice of Hearing
Statement of Charges
Probable Cause Order
​VCRB 2022-04

​James E. Marino, Mayor, City of Clarksburg
Final Decision​ and Order
Second Amended Notice of Hearing
Notice of Continuance of Public Hearing
Amended Notice of Hearing

Notice of Hearing
Statement of Charges
Probable Cause Order
​VCRB 2020-71

​Daniel Elliott, former Conservation Technician, Tygarts Valley Conservation District
Final Decision and Order
Fourth Amended Notice of Hearing
Third Am​ended Notice of Hearing​​
Second Amended Notice of Hearing
Order of Continuance
Amended Notice of Hearing
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
Probable Cause Order
​ VCRB 2021-24

​Gregory Stewart, former Ohio County Administrator
Conciliation Agreement
Order Granting Motion to Continue
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
Probable Cause Order
​ VCRB 2021-30

​Lisa Holstein, Threat Preparedness Coordinator, Boone County Health Dept.
Conciliation Agreement
Order Continuing Hearing
Amended Notice of Hearing
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
Probable Cause Order​
 VCRB 2017-05
Michelle Malone, Manager, River Road Public Service District
Conciliation Agreement
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
Probable Cause Order
 CIC 2017-02 Cheryle M. Hall, former Clerk, Court of Claims​
Final Decision and Order
Amended Notice of Hearing

Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
Probable Cause Order
 VCRB 2014-126 J. Michael Ihle, former Mayor of the City of Ravenswood​
Final Decision and Order
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
Probable Cause Order
 VCRB 2015-116 Eric L. Hodges, former Wayne County Assessor
Final Decision and Order
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
Probable Cause Order
CIC 2014-14 Eugene R. Thorn, former Employee of the WV Wildlife Center, WV DNR
Final Decision and Order
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
Probable Cause Order
VCRB 2014-06 John W. Hawkins, former Sheriff of Barbour County
Conciliation Agreement
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
Probable Cause Order
VCRB 2013-49 
VCRB 2013-53
​Bill Pauley, Mayor of the Town of Marmet
Conciliation Agreement
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
 VCRB 2012-12 Paula Boggs, Council Member, City of Piedmont
Amendment to Final Decision and Order
Final Decision and Order
Notice of Consolidation of Hearings
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
 VCRB 2012-13 Grace Russell, Council Member, City of Piedmont
Amendment to Final Decision and Order
Final Decision and Order
Notice of Consolidation of Hearings
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
 CIC 2014-04 Gregory T. Haynes, Employee, Union Public Service District
Conciliation Agreement
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
CIC 2014-06
Darrell E.Pauley, Employee, Union Public Service District
Conciliation Agreement
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
CIC 2014-02 William V. Ashley, Employee, Union Public Service District​​
Conciliation Agreement
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
 CIC 2013-02 Bernard "Bernie" Fazzini, Harrison County Commissioner Conciliation Agreement
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
 CIC 2013-03
Bernard "Bernie" Fazzini, Harrison County Commissioner Conciliation Agreement
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
 CIC 2012-01 Robin C. Capehart, President, West Liberty University

Conciliation Agreement
Order Continuing Hearing
Second Amended Notice of Hearing
Amended Notice of Hearing
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing

 VCRB 2012-15 Drema Bias Evans,
Raleigh County Assessor

Conciliation Agreement
Amended Notice of Hearing
Agreed Order Continuing Hearing 
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing

 CIC 2009-04 William Perry, former Chief Deputy Assessor,​ Monongalia County Final Decision and Order
Amended Notice of Public Hearing
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
 VCRB 2009-09 
 VCRB 2011-04
Emmett S. Pugh, Mayor of Beckley

Conciliation Agreement
Order Approving Conciliation Agreement 
Statement of Charges/Notice of Hearing

 VCRB 2009-33 Jeffrey Hutchinson, Director, Kanawha County Parks and Recreation
Conciliation Agreement; Order Approving Agreement
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing 
 CIC 2010-06 Jeffrey Hutchinson, Director, Kanawha County Parks and Recreation
Conciliation Agreement
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
 CIC 2011-03 Robert Daquilante, former Superintendent, Ritchie County Schools​​
Conciliation Agreement; Order Approving Agreement
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
 VCRB 2009-19 Robert Daquilante, former Superintendent, Ritchie County Schools
Conciliation Agreement; Order Approving Agreement
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
 VCRB 2007-25 William Perry, Chief Deputy Assessor, Monongalia County
Final Decision and Order
Statement of Charges; Notice of Hearing
Amended Statement of Charges
 VCRB 2008-07 Eugene McKenzie, Mayor of Rainelle​
Complaint is closed
due to death of Respondent.
Amended Notice of Hearing
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
 VCRB 2008-20 Roger Wolfe, former Mayor, City of Dunbar
Order Granting Petition to Enforce Final Order
Commission's Final Decision and Order
Circuit Court Petition to Enforce Final Order
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
 VCRB 2009-01 Martin Shaffer, Council Member, City of Clarksburg
Conciliation Agreement and Order Approving Agreement
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing
 CIC 2008-​02 Ken Merritt, former Wood County Sheriff​
Conciliation Agreement
Statement of Charges and Notice of Hearing