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Virtual Training

Our next virtual training on the Ethics and Open Meetings Acts will be on April 30 from noon - 1.  The training is open ​to all.  Email​ for an invite.  The training has been approved for o​ne hour of CLE and CPE credits. 

Online Training

A training video presented by the Executive Director of the ​Ethics Commission regarding the Ethics Act and the Open Governmental Meetings Act may be viewe​d​ here.

In-person Training

The Ethics Commission staff provides training regarding the Ethics Act and Open Meetings Act for large groups of public emplo​yees.  Please complete the attached form if you wish to request training, and fax or email the completed form ​at least 30 days before the anticipated training date: Training Request Form fillable.pdf.

Lobbyist Training

To receive lobbyist training credit, view the Lobbyist Training Video and complete, sign and return the Lobbyist Training Verification Form to the Ethics Commission (click here​ for the Ver​ification Form). ​To view the virtual lobbyist training held on December 10, 2024, click he​re​.​

If you did not complete your training for the 2023-24 cycle, you must complete it before registering for the 2025-26 cycle. This "make-up" training will be credited only to the prior cycle and will not fulfill the training requirement for the subsequent cycle.​

​The Ethics Commission staff also provides training for lobbyists as required by statute.

New Legislator Training on the Ethics Act

Newly elected legislators are required to complete training on the Ethics Act within six months of assuming office.​ The training can be completed by viewing the Ethics Act training video here.​Once the video is watched, legislators must submit the New Legislator Training Verification Form​​ to confirm completion.​​

Who is Subject to Mandatory Execut​ive Order Training

Executive Order No. 8-06 requires that certain designated public officials, including newly elected members of the Legislature and the Board of Public Works, attend training courses conducted by the Ethics Commission.  See W. Va. Code § 6B-2-5B​ and Executive Order No. 8-06 for further information.  For the next virtual training, click to go to our homepage​

Brochures an​d Guidelines

The Commission has brochures​ and guidelines addressing various ethics issues. You may download many of these materials from this website by following this link: Brochures & Guidelines
