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State Capitol
News and Announcements
​--January Meeting Cancelled:  The meeting of the Ethics Commission scheduled for January 2 has been cancelled.  The Commission’s next meeting is scheduled for February 6, 2025.  

--Lobbyist Cycle 2025-2026:  The new lobbyist cycle b​egins on January 1, 2025.  Please complete your lobbyist registration, employer​ representation/authorization, and payments using our portal.​ You will need to upload a signed employer (affiliation) representation/authorization form when you register online.  The form is here.

--Financial Disclosure Statement F​iling:  Click here for information ​

​​​​​​--Advisory Opinions:  The Ethics Commission issued the following Advisory Opinions on December 5. To view the Opinions, click AO 2024-10 or AO 2024-11​.​​
--Training:  Our next virtual training on the Ethics and Open Meetings Acts will be on January 30, 2025, from n​oon-1:00. The training is open to all. Email for an invite. The training h​as be​en approved for one hour of CPE and CLE credits.​​​

--Upcoming Virtual Lobbyist Training

Join us for a virtual Lobbyist Training session on January 21, 2025, from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM.

Meeting Details:

​--New Lobbyist Portal:  To register as a lobb​yist, or register a new lobbyist affiliation (employer) please click here.​   Your username and password will be the same as the old system.  Please email with any questions.

--Staff Changes:  The Commission has had some recent staff changes.  John E. Roush is serving as the Interim General Counsel, after the resignation of Theresa M. Kirk.  John N. Ellem is the Commission's Deputy General Counsel.  After the retirement of Ellen ​Briggs, Rachel Y. Carpenter is now the Executive Assistant to the Executive Director.  Ellen will be working temporarily to help train.  Kateland J. Cantrell was hired as our Lobbyist Registrar/Paralegal.  ​​​​

-- Ethics Commission Newsletter January 2025, ​​Volume 24

--Election​ Booklet:  ​Are you thinking about running for public office?  To assist you in understanding the rules, the Ethics ​Commission has published an Election​​Booklet containing guidance on Ethics Act rules and other laws within the Commission’s jurisdiction governing campaigns and successful candidates once they are sworn into office.  Helpful information about elections may also be found in our October 2019 Newsletter.​ 



