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 Open Meetings Opinions

         The West Virginia Ethics Commission’s Committee on Open Governmental Meetings issues written Advisory Opinions to governing bodies, or to their members, on whether an action or a proposed action violates the Open Meetings Act. 

         The Act, at W. Va. Code § 6-9A-11 provides that any governing body or member thereof who seeks an Advisory Opinion and acts in good faith reliance on it has an absolute defense to any civil suit or criminal prosecution for any action taken based upon the Opinion.  If an Opinion was sought by someone else, a governing body or member who relies on that Opinion also has an absolute defense to such actions as long as the underlying facts and circumstances surrounding the action are the same or substantially the same as those being addressed by the Opinion.

        However, a public official relying on an earlier Opinion should check later Opinions issued on the same subject matter to determine whether the Opinion has been modified.

        For more information on the Open Meetings Act:  click here 

Click on the Opinion number below to view the c​omplete text of the Opinion.  

An Index of Open Meetings Advisory Opinions appears below the list of Opinions.

OM 1999-01 OM 1999-02 OM 1999-03 OM 1999-05 OM 1999-06 OM 1999-07
OM 1999-08 OM 1999-09 OM 1999-10 OM 1999-11 OM 1999-12 OM 1999-13
OM 1999-14 OM 2000-01 OM 2000-02 OM 2000-03 OM 2000-04 OM 2000-05
OM 2000-07 OM 2000-08 OM 2000-09 OM 2000-10 OM 2000-11 OM 2000-12
OM 2000-13 OM 2000-14 OM 2000-15  OM 2000-16  OM 2001-01  OM 2001-02 
OM 2001-03  OM 2001-04  OM 2001-05  OM 2001-06  OM 2001-07 OM 2001-08 
OM 2001-09  OM 2001-10  OM 2001-11  OM 2001-12  OM 2001-13  OM 2001-14 
OM 2001-15  OM 2001-16  OM 2001-17  OM 2001-18  OM 2001-19  OM 2001-20 
OM 2001-21  OM 2001-22  OM 2001-23  OM 2001-24  OM 2001-25  OM 2001-26 
OM 2001-27  OM 2001-28  OM 2001-29  OM 2001-30  OM 2001-31
OM 2001-32 
OM 2001-33
OM 2001-34  OM 2001-35   OM 2001-36 OM 2001-37  OM 2001-38  OM 2001-39
OM 2002-01 OM 2002-02   OM 2002-03  OM 2002-04  OM 2002-05 OM 2002-06
OM 2002-07 OM 2002-08 OM 2002-09 OM 2002-10 OM 2002-11 OM 2002-12
OM 2002-13 OM 2002-14 OM 2002-15 OM 2002-16 OM 2002-18 OM 2002-19
OM 2002-20 OM 2002-21 OM 2002-22 OM 2003-01 OM 2003-02 OM 2003-03
OM 2003-04 OM 2003-05 OM 2003-06 & 
OM 2003-07 OM 2003-08 OM 2003-09 
OM 2003-10 &  
OM 2003-11 OM 2003-12  OM 2003-13  OM 2003-14 OM 2003-15 
OM 2004-01 
OM 2004-02 OM 2004-03 OM 2004-04 &  
OM 2004-05 &   
OM 2004-06
OM 2004-07  OM 2004-08  OM 2004-09  OM 2004-10  OM 2004-11 OM 2004-12 
OM 2004-13  OM 2004-14 OM 2004-15 OM 2004-16 OM 2004-17 OM 2005-02
OM 2005-03 OM 2005-04 OM 2005-05 OM 2005-06 OM 2005-07 OM 2005-08
OM 2005-09 OM 2005-10 OM 2005-11 OM 2005-12 OM 2005-13 & 
OM 2006-01 
OM 2006-03  OM 2006-04 OM 2006-05 OM 2006-06 OM 2006-07
OM 2006-08
OM 2006-09 OM 2006-10​​
OM 2006-11 OM 2006-12 OM 2006-13  OM 200​6-14 
OM 2006-15 OM 2007-01 OM 2007-02 OM 2007-03 OM 2007-04 OM 2007-05
OM 2007-06  OM 2007-07 OM 2007-08 OM 2007-09 OM 2007-10 OM 2007-11
OM 2007-12 OM 2008-01 OM 2008-02 O​M 2008-03 OM 2008-04 OM 2008-05
OM 2008-06 OM 2008-07 OM 2008-08 OM 2008-09 OM 2008-10  OM 2008-11
OM 2008-12 OM 2008-13 OM 2008-14 OM 2008-15 OM 2008-16  OM 2008-17
OM 2008-18 OM 2009-01  OM 2009-02  OM 2009-03 OM 2009-04 OM 2009-05
OM 2009-06 OM 2009-07 OM 2009-08 OM 2010-01 OM 2010-02 OM 2010-04
OM 2011-01 OM 2011-02 OM 2011-03  OM 2011-04 OM 2011-05 OM 2011-06
OM 2011-07 OM 2012-01 OM 2012-02 OM 2012-03 OM 2012-04 OM 2012-05
OM 2013-01 OM 2013-02 OM 2013-03 OM 2013-04 OM 2013-05 OM 2013-06
OM 2014-01 OM 2014-02 OM 2014-03 OM 2014-04 OM 2015-01 OM 2015-02
OM 2016-01 OM 2016-02 OM 2016-03 OM 2017-01 OM 2017-02 OM 2018-01
OM 2018-02 OM 2019-01 OM 2019-02  OM 2019-03 OM 2019-04 OM 2021-01

OM 2022-01      OM 2022-02   OM 2023-01     OM 2024-01      OM 2024-02​      ​ OM 2024-03​​

OM 2025-01      OM 2025-02


 Index of Open Meet​ings Opinions by Topic




1999-01  State College and University Systems of West Virginia
Institutional advisory boards and advisory councils affiliated with state institutions of higher education are not public agencies under the Act.  ​SEE ALSO 2001-37, 2002-11

1999-03  City Council, Town of Whitesville
Open Meetings Act applies to volunteer fire department which enforces fire protection code and provides firefighting services in a municipality.

1999-12  West Virginia Professional River Outfitters Association
Private organization which exercises no executive or legislative powers is not a public agency.

1999-13  Humane Society of Morgan County
Non-profit organization which exists independent of state or local authorization is not a public corporation subject to Act.

2000-03  City of White Sulphur Springs Planning & Zoning Commission
Panel of Commission members reviewing permit applications constitutes a governing body under the Act.

2000-04  Marion County PSD’s United
An unincorporated association in which some of its members are public officials and public employees is not a public agency for purposes of the Open Meetings Act because it has not been authorized by law to exercise any executive or legislative authority.  SEE ALSO 2004-03

2000-13  Verdunville Elementary School Local School Improvement Council
Local School Improvement Council (LSIC) exercises sufficient legislative or executive power to be considered a public agency.  SEE ALSO 2008-06

2001-01  Mercer County Humane Society
Private organization primarily funded by private donations and exercising no governmental function is not a public agency subject to Act.

2001-05  West Virginia Advocates, Inc.
Private organization designated by Governor to serve as federally-funded entity to provide protection and advocacy services to developmentally disabled citizens is not a public corporation covered by the Act.  SEE ALSO 2005-06

2001-09  Hurricane Middle School Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate is subject to the Act when exercising executive authority over public funds.

2001-14  Clay County Development Corporation
Private non-profit corporation receiving federal funds for senior citizen programs is not a public corporation covered by the Act.   SEE ALSO 2001-29; 2003-09; 2007-02

2001-15  Tri-Cities Power Authority
As an administrative unit of three municipalities, the Tri-Cities Power Authority is a public agency subject to the Act.   SEE ALSO 2007-07

2001-21  West Virginia Public Port Authority
A committee appointed to interview prospective contractors with no authority to make a binding recommendation is not covered by the Act.  SEE ALSO 2005-03; 2007-01; 2008-01

2002-21  West Virginia Commission on Holocaust Education
Commission exercises sufficient executive power to be considered a public agency subject to the Act.  SEE ALSO 2004-05

2002-22  West Virginia Motorsports Council
Council created by Governor’s Executive Order to promote motorsports was not delegated such legislative or executive authority as to come under the Act.

2003-12  Physicians’ Mutual Insurance Company (Provisional Board)
Legislature specifically exempted Company from Open Meetings requirements.

2004-15  Workforce Investment Board of Kanawha County
Non-profit corporation established pursuant to federal law determined to be a public agency where Governor establishes criteria for appointment of board members and local elected officials appoint voting members.

2005-03  West Virginia Environmental Quality Board
Committee delegated authority to approve a request for proposal for a scientific study and to direct the vendor selected to perform the study is a subunit authorized to exercise some portion of the Board’s executive power.

2005-05  Tygarts Valley Conservation District
Standing committees of public agency are subject to the Act.
2005-09  Pocahontas Woods
Service of County School Superintendent on Board of Directors of private organization does not affect organization’s status as exempt from Open Meetings Act.  SEE ALSO 2008-05

2006-06  Wood County Republican Executive Committee              
A  political party executive committee established in accordance with the State's Election Code is not a "public agency" subject to the Open Meetings Act. 

2006-10  Paden City Council

​Standing committees of a City council are governing bodies of public agencies subject to the requirements of the Open Meetings ​Act.

2007-01  WV Statewide Addressing and Mapping Board
Committees and subcommittees which are authorized to make recommendations to the parent governing body need to comply with the Act. 

2007-02  Hancock County Senior Center
Private non-profit corporation receiving federal funds for senior citizen programs is not a public corporation covered by the Act. 

2007-04  McClellan District Volunteer Fire Department  
Volunteer Fire Department established as a private, non-profit organization is not a public agency subject to the Act..     

2007-07  Elks Run Study Group 
As a governmental subunit created by joint resolution of two municipalities, the Elks Run Study Group is a public agency subject to the Act.

2008-01  West Virginia Investment Management Board 
Subcommittees delegated decision-making authority to invest State funds are subject to the Act.

2008-03  Dunbar Municipal Police and Fire Pension Boards      
Board of Trustees of municipal fire and police pension funds established as public corporations are subject to the Act.

2008-04  Kanawha County Commission 
Board of Ballot commissioners is subject to the Open Meetings Act

2008-05  WV Board of Optometry 
Joint committee with WV Optometric Association would be subject to Act.  Sending Board Member to attend meetings of Optometric Association will not make that organization subject to the Act.

2008-06  Kanawha County Board of Education  
Local School Improvement Council is a public agency subject to the Act.

2008-07  Parkersburg/Wood County Convention & Visitors Bureau 
Non-profit corporation receiving proceeds from hotel occupancy tax is not a public agency covered by the Act 

2008-14  Unemployment Compensation Solutions Task Force 
Task Force established by Governor's Executive Order to make recommendations on certain problems facing Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund is governing body of Public Agency subject to Act.

2008-16  WV Board of Education/WV School Board Association Board Member Training Standards Review Committee 
Joint committee with private organization whose members are appointed by public agency is a governing body of a public agency subject to the Act.

2009-03  Kanawha County Commission 
County clerk and chairpersons of the two major political parties are not a public agency under the Act.  A gathering of such a group does not constitute a meeting as defined by the Act.

2009-07  Harrison County Comprehensive Education Facility Planning Committee
Is subject to the Open Meeting Act because the Committee plays an integral role in the development of a County BOE's Plan and may not be supplanted or eliminated from the proces.  The Committee must submit a proposed plan to the BOE and it must take official action on the proposed plan.

  Morgan County Rescue Service  
Is not a public agency subject to the provisions of the Open Meetings Act.

2011-02  Raleigh County Commission
Meeting of a quorum of county commission members with staff constitutes a meeting under Act.
SEE ALSO 2000-07 Meeting of staff of a government agency, who are not appointed or elected officials of a governing body, does not constitute a meeting under the Act.

2011-05  West Virginia State Epidemiological Workgroup
Workgroup housed within public agency, formally established to assist state agency in making data informed decisions, whose members represent numerous public entities, constitutes a governing body under the Act. 

2011-07  Webster Springs Town Council
Mayor and recorder are members of the governing body of a municipality.  Unless Town charter provides that recorder and mayor are not permitted to vote, they are to be counted in determining a quorum.

2012-02  Bridgemont Community & Technical College

  • Transportation Engineering Certification Board, comprised of public employees and private sector representatives, is subject to the Open Meetings Act.
  • The Open Meetings Act does not require the Transportation Engineering Certification Board to make its rules available for public comment, but any deliberations, discussions or votes regarding its rules or policies must be made during a properly noticed public meeting.
  • Transportation Engineering Certification Board may informally discuss certification applications and/or make certification decisions outside of public meetings since this action is quasi-judicial in nature. In these quasi-judicial meetings Board Members may not discuss or decide policy matters which are required to be deliberated and acted upon during the course of a properly noticed public meeting.
  • Transportation Engineering Certification Board is not required to make certification decisions during regular scheduled public meetings, but may do so in a quasi-judicial meeting. 
2012-03  Martinsburg-Berkeley County Convention and Visitors Bureau
Non-profit organization not within statutory definition of public agency so not subject to the Act.  SEE ALSO  2008-07.

2017-02  Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee
The Open Meetings Act applies to meetings of the Statewide Interoperability Executive Committee in the exercise of its supervision and implementation of the Statewide Interoperability Radio Network.

2019-04  The City of Charleston
A City Youth Council, which was created by the Mayor and prepares recommendations to the Mayor on how to improve relationships between the City and its youth, is subject to​ the Open Meetings Act.

2022-02West Virginia Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Task Force
The Open Meetings Act applies to the meetings of the West Virginia Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Task Force, and it must comply with the meeting notice requirements for state executive branch agencies, including filing its meeting notice with the Secretary of State’s Office at least five business days prior to a meeting.  ​

2024-02​ Jefferson County Planning Commission
Jefferson County Planning Commission committees are governing bodies of the Planning 
Commission that must comply with the Open Meetings Act if the Planning Commission delegates authority to the committees to make recommendations to the Planning Commission’s staff or consultants on policy or administration and the staff or consultants make recommendations to the Planning Commission on those same matters.


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​1999-07  Mason County Board of Education
Last-minute changes to meeting agenda should be addressed by adopting rules stating what specificity is required in the agenda, circumstances which will justify amending meeting agenda, and how revised agenda should be disseminated.

1999-10  Marshall County Board of Education
Meeting agenda need not list name of employee elevating a personnel grievance to Board at Level III, unless employee requests open hearing.  SEE ALSO 2000-12; 2009-01

2000-02  Mason County Board of Education
Except in an emergency situation, Board may not take official action on issue not on agenda.  This opinion was overruled by 2011-03.

2000-09  Berkeley County Solid Waste Authority
The Act requires notice of a proposed change in the governing body’s by-laws be stated in the agenda because such change requires official action.

2001-04  Braxton County Commission
Reasonable notice to public of matters to be covered at regular meeting of governing body that meets every two weeks requires making agenda available at least three days prior to meeting. Except for emergency matters, agenda should not be amended less than two days prior to meeting.  SEE ALSO 2001-26, 2001-27, 2001-28, 2002-05, 2002-10, 2003-05, 2004-06, 2004-07, 2004-10, 2004-13, 2006-15

2001-10  Kanawha County Commission
Governing body meeting weekly or twice weekly should make agenda available two days prior to meeting; days clarified as excluding weekends and holidays; agenda may not be generic.
SEE ALSO 2001-11, 2001-13, 2001-16, 2001-17, 2001-19, 2001-20, 2001-22, 2001-23, 2001-34; 2007-09

2001-12  Lewis County Commission
Annual posting of regular meeting schedule at courthouse entrances provides adequate meeting notice; agenda should be similarly posted two days in advance of weekly meeting.

2001-13  Upshur County Commission
Generic descriptions in agenda are inadequate to inform public of matters requiring official action; absent an emergency situation, Commission may not take official action on new matter raised in citizen comment period.
SEE ALSO 2001-23, 2001-26; 2002-05; 2004-10, 2004-13, 2006-14

2004-15  Workforce Investment Board of Kanawha County
As a regional agency of state government, local workforce investment board may give reasonable notice of meetings without publication in State Register.

2004-16  Kanawha County Board of Education
Board of Education may include a question period for directing questions to the School Superintendent on the meeting agenda.

  WV Board of Respiratory Care
Meeting agenda should be issued a reasonable time in advance of a regular meeting; three business days provides adequate advance notice of agenda.

2006-11  Fountain Public Service District  
Not required to publish meeting notice in State Register but must give "reasonable" notice of meetings.
Must post notice of special meeting two business days in advance.  SEE ALSO  2006-15, 2007-06

2006-14  Hardy County Rural Development authority  
Generic descriptions in agenda are inadequate to inform public of matters requiring official action.

2006-15  Clay County Board of Education  

Meeting agendas for regular meetings should be made available three business days in advance.  Notice of special meetings should be posted two business days in advance. Agendas may be amended up to two business days before the meeting to include items not known at the time the original agenda was prepared and the amended agenda must be provided to the public and media in the same manner as the original agenda.

2007-05  City of Dunbar      
Sudden event that threatens public health and safety is an emergency; emergency must require official action to justify giving reasonable notice; explain nature of emergency in meeting notice; repeat explanation in minutes;
hiring outside legal counsel to examine financial records is not an emergency.  

2007-06  Raleigh County Emergency Services Authority 
Must post notice of special meeting at least two days in advance of the meeting date; in counting the days, the day of the meeting as well as Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays are excluded; the purpose or purposes of the special meeting should be described in the special meeting notice.

2007-09  Harrison County Commission  
Governing body of public agency which meets weekly, or more frequently, may issue its meeting agenda two business days in advance of each meeting.

2007-10  Clarksburg Water Board   
Pending claims or potential litigation does not provide specific notice of matters to be considered at meeting
Discuss pending lawsuit of Doe vs. Board with legal counsel or discuss citizen's claim that her lawn was damaged by a crew repairing a water leak would provide proper notice of proposed or pending litigation.

2008-09  Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Board  
Work sessions are subject to same notice requirements as other meetings. 

2008-11  Mingo County Board of Education  
No requirement to list changing order of business on meeting agenda.

2008-17  Jefferson County Ambulance Authority  
Unresolved personnel issues is not an adequate agenda listing; agenda need not state that item will or may be addressed in executive session; merits of item not listed on agenda should not be discussed and decided unless it involves an emergency requiring immediate official action; d
isapproving a portion of a lawyer's bill is not an emergency.

2009-02  Hampshire County Board of Health  
Consolidation of two positions resulting in the dismissal of one part-time employee may be discussed in Executive Session unless either or the affected employees requests that it be discussed in the open; discussion of potential layoffs or furloughs may be discussed in Executive Session because they are not across the board personnel matters; vote on such consolidation, furloughs and layoffs must take place in open session.
Agenda items should be more descriptive and identify the specific positions affected.

2009-04  Point Pleasant City Council  

Meeting agenda must identify an issue that Council expects to discuss in executive session; motion to go into executive session must state the reason; the meeting Chair and/or Mayor may coach the Council Member making the motion to go into executive session; personnel exemption includes a public officer, e.g. Council Member; Council Member subject of proposed discussion in executive session has right to elect that the discussion take place in an open meeting; Council may only vote on matters listed on agenda; Agenda item "The Outside Delegations:  Jane Roe and John Doe Company" insufficient notice to authorize Council to vote to approve a contract with the company.

2012-01  Raleigh County Commission

The Open Meetings Act does not require governing bodies to publish their meeting notices or agendas via legal advertisement, although other statutory provisions may, at times, require that a meeting or hearing be legally advertised.  A governing body may impose additional requirements by a rules or regulations, including, for municipalities, provisions in their charters or ordinances.  Governing bodies should ensure that they comply with the time requirements for posting regular, special and emergency meeting notices.

2012-04  Conservation District

  • Must either identify on agenda each invoice and amount to be approved for payment, OR state on agenda that a list of invoices, or the invoices themselves, are available for public review.
  • Must have a list of invoices, which includes the name of each vendor and the amount owed to each, available for public review at least two business days before the meeting, not counting the day of the meeting. OR Must have all invoices being considered available for review at the agency’s office during its public office hours.
  • May not add invoices after deadline to amend agenda has passed, e.g. governing body may not add to the stack right before the meeting.
  • Must either record in minutes name and amount of every invoice approved OR attach to minutes a list of the invoices approved, and amount of each.
  • When considering award of grant or request for money, agenda must identify potential recipient by name, but may omit amount
  • Minutes must include both the name of the recipient and the amount awarded.
2013-05  Berkeley County Council
May not conduct a series of face-to-face meetings involving less than a quorum of board members to avoid holding a properly noticed public meeting. Sheriff may not “lobby” individual council members for additional budgetary financing. As the council is required by statute to take official action on the Sheriff’s budget, the Sheriff must express his/her concerns to all council members in an open meeting, duly noticed, and placed on the Agenda in compliance with the Open Meetings Act.  May not attempt to use a series of communications with the intent of allowing a majority of the governing body to predetermine the outcome of a particular matter pending before the entity on which they serve.  SEE ALSO 2008-09, 2001-25, 2003-11, 2004-17, 2007-08, 2009-07, 2007-03 

2013-05-R  Berkeley County Council
Ratified on January 21, 2014, by the West Virginia Ethics Commission Committee on Open Government Meetings 

2013-06  Mayor of Philippi and City Council Members
  • May meet directly before City Council meetings, as long as they fully comply with the requirements of the Open Meetings Act.
  • The Open Meetings Act does not recognize “work sessions”. It is immaterial that a governmental body does not vote.
  • At any meeti​ng during which official action is to be taken or discussion is intended to lead to official action, the agenda must identify the items to be discussed.
  • It is against the spirit of the Act to hold meetings in a place where the public cannot meaningfully gain access. City Council is encouraged to hold its meetings in a location where the public can more easily attend to avoid any real or perceived impropriety.
  • SEE ALSO 2011-03, 2008-09, 2001-25, 2003-11, 2013-05R, 2004-17, 2007-01, 2007-03, 2007-08, 2009-07, 2008-17, 2000-15, 2008-15 
2014-02  Mayor of Harper’s Ferry and Town Council
Town committees and study groups that contain two or more members of a governing body, and make recommendations to the mayor, Town Council, or to another municipal agency are subject to the Open Meetings Act.  Those who are merely tasked with collation of data or preliminary research, are not subject to the Act, as long as they are not making recommendations about that data to the Council or otherwise exercising executive or legislative power. 

2016-01  City Manager for the City of Morgantown
  • Half-day holidays may be included for purposes of calculating business days under the Open Meetings Act.
  • The posting deadline for a half-day holiday is the close of business on that day.
  • In calculating time for purposes of complying with the Open Meetings Act notice requirements, governing bodies must calculate time periods in days, not by 24-hour periods. In counting days, the day of the meeting as well as Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays are excluded. The posting deadline is by close of business.
2019-01  Superintendent of Brooke County Schools 
When counting business days under the Open Meetings Act, the day of the meeting, Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays are excluded.  Since outside the school environment days and out-of-calendar days are not considered legal holidays, they are counted for purposes of computing time periods under the Act. 

2022-02​  West Virginia Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Task Force
The Open Meetings Act applies to the meetings of the West Virginia Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation Task Force, and it must comply with the meeting notice requirements for state executive branch agencies, including filing its meeting notice with the Secretary of State’s Office at least five business days prior to a meeting.  ​

2025-01​ Pocahontas County Clerk

A meeting does not have to be postponed if a state of emergency or preparedness is declared on a day during the notice period.  A governing body must decide on a case-by-case basis how the public would best be served.  Some factors to consider are the gravity and public interest in the matters on the agenda for the particular regular meeting and whether the notices and agendas are regularly made available online.

2025-02  Hampshire County Commission 
A county commission may not simply use generic descriptions to describe an agenda item.  Agenda items must be stated in a manner ​that makes the public aware of the particular matters to be dealt with at the meeting.  (See Open Meetings Advisory Opinion 2001-13; Open Meetings Advisory Opinion 2006-14)  

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2024-02​ Jefferson County Planning Commission
Jefferson County Planning Com​mission committees are governing bodies of the Planning Commission that must comply with the Open Meetings Act if the Planning Commission delegates authority to the committees to make recommendations to the Planning Commission’s staff or consultants on policy or administration and the staff or co​nsultants make recommendations to the Planning Commission on those same matters.

2024-03​ Vienna City Council
A steering committee created by a city council to work with an engineering firm to develop a master plan for a park is a governing body, and a quorum of its members may not meet to deliberate or vote on policy or administrative matters outside of a properly noticed public meeting. 

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1999-02  Mason County Board of Education
Board may conduct annual personnel evaluation of school superintendent in executive session.

1999-05  Cabell County Board of Education
Board may deliberate and decide upon student disciplinary action in executive session, unless student requests open meeting. SEE ALSO 2005-04

1999-06  Braxton County Board of Education
When citizen’s appeal before Board has been conducted in public, Board members may nonetheless meet and deliberate privately, because they are acting in quasi-judicial role.

2000-02  Mason County Board of Education    Overruled by 2011-03
When issue arises that is not on agenda, Board may discuss whether official action is required in executive session if one of Act’s exceptions applies to issue.  SEE ALSO 2002-09; 2006-13 

2000-10  Morgantown City Council
City Council may discuss current or pending litigation with attorney in executive session based upon common law attorney-client privilege as recognized by the W. Va. Supreme Court of Appeals in Peters v. County Commission.  SEE ALSO 2001-25; 2004-11, 2004-12, 2007-10*

2000-15  New Martinsville City Council
Agenda should not declare item will be handled in executive session; taking minutes of executive sessions is discretionary; governing body must vote to go into executive session; agenda listings should not mislead public; individual personally affected by agenda item not entitled to personal notice.  SEE ALSO 2002-02, 2002-09

2000-16  Consolidated Public Retirement Board
Committee may meet with consultant in executive session to discuss investment and competition issues.

2001-02  Pleasant Valley City Council
Drafting employee job description involves general personnel policy issue, not matter arising from employment of a public employee, and such matters may not be discussed in executive session.  SEE ALSO 2006-13

2001-18  West Virginia Women’s Commission
Conducting employee performance reviews with affected employees may be accomplished in executive session unless employee requests open meeting.

2001-24  Central West Virginia Regional Airport Authority
Committee evaluating prospective architectural contractors pursuant to W. Va. Code 5G-1-3 may interview contractor representatives in executive session.

2002-02  Raleigh County Emergency Services Authority
Recording discussion in executive session is discretionary. Circuit Court has authority to conduct in camera hearing regarding executive session discussions per Peters v. Wood County Comm’n.   SEE ALSO 2000-15; 2003-14; 2006-01; 2007-03

2002-06  Ritchie County Development Authority
Developers and prospective business plans that proponents seek to maintain in confidence until official action is required may be discussed with development authority board members in executive session under exemption covering purchase, sale or lease of property, and advance construction planning.

2002-07  Clarksburg Water Board
Elimination of an employment position held by a current employee may be discussed in executive session, unless affected employee requests an open meeting.

2002-08  Clarksburg Water Board
Misconduct of employee who has requested open meeting to discuss personnel matter will not relieve board of duty to conduct discussion in open session.

2002-13  New Martinsville City Council
Interviews of job applicants may be conducted in executive session, unless applicant requests open meeting; Act does not control whether Council Member may attend executive session of a Committee on which he does not serve.

2003-07  Berkeley County Farmland Protection Board
Applications from landowners seeking inclusion of property in agricultural land bank may be reviewed and discussed in executive session.

2003-08  Upshur County Commission, Upshur County Development Authority & Buckhannon City Council
Economic development arrangements may be discussed in executive session.  While vote must be taken in open session, each matter may be identified generically until final agreement reached, which must then be made available to the public.

2003-13  Parkersburg City Council
Report of Special Investigation Commission appointed to investigate alleged irregularities may be considered in executive session but any official action must be voted upon in an open meeting.

2004-09  Town of West Union
Compliance with the requirement to identify the authorization for going into executive session may be accomplished by describing the subject matter authorized by an exemption; reference to a particular Code section or subsection is not necessary.  SEE ALSO 2006-13*;2007-10*

  Preston County Board of Education
Act does not require personal notice to person who may be subject of discussion under personnel exception during executive session.

2006-01  St. Albans City Council
Governing bodies have complete discretion whether to take minutes or make recordings of executive sessions.

2006-13  City of Follansbee Water Board  
Executive session may be held to discuss item not on meeting agenda only under limited circumstances; authorization for going into executive session may be described generically; general personnel policies should not be discussed in executive session pursuant to the personnel exemption.  

2007-03  Huntington Sanitary Board   
Executive session permissible to discuss matters protected by attorney-client privilege.  Negotiating strategy for collective bargaining talks may be developed with negotiator in executive session.

2007-10  Clarksburg Water Board  
Upon proper motion and majority vote, executive session may address multiple agenda items; may approve proposed settlement in executive session, but terms of final settlement must be reported.

2008-10  Kanawha County Board of Education  
Establishing goals and objectives for Superintendent as part of evaluation process is a personnel matter that may be discussed in executive session.  Committee is not authorized to decide whether school code requires goals and objectives for Superintendent to be discussed in executive session.

2008-17  Jefferson County Ambulance Authority   
Agenda need not state that item will or may be addressed in executive session; employee personnel matter should be voted upon in public; additional matter not covered by motion to go into executive session should not be raised and discussed in executive session. 

2009-02  Hampshire County Board of Health 
Consolidation of two positions resulting in the dismissal of one part-time employee may be discussed in Executive Session unless either or the affected employees requests that it be discussed in the open. 
Discussion of potential layoffs or furloughs may be discussed in Executive Session because they are not across the board personnel matters. Vote on such consolidation, furloughs and layoffs must take place in open session.
Agenda items should be more descriptive and identify the specific positions affected.

2009-04  Point Pleasant City Council 

  • Meeting Agenda must identify an issue that Council expects to discuss in executive session; motion to go into executive session must state the reason;
  • The meeting Chair and/or Mayor may “coach” the Council Member making the motion to go into executive session;
  • Personnel exemption includes a public officer, e.g. Council Member;
  • Council Member subject of proposed discussion in executive session has right to elect that the discussion take place in an open meeting;
  • Council may only vote on matters listed on agenda; Agenda item The Outside Delegations: Jane Roe and John Doe Company insufficient notice to authorize Council to vote to approve a contract with the company.

2009-05  Point Pleasant City Council 

  • Open Meetings Act does not require personal notice to person who may be subject of discussion under personnel exception during executive session.
  • Governing bodies are encouraged to consult with their attorneys to ensure that other rights, such as constitutional due process rights, if any, of affected employees, are protected when those bodies discuss personnel matters.        
  • Governing bodies are encouraged to provide notice in those situations where the essential functions of the governing body are not compromised by such notice. 
2012-05  Outdoor Heritage Conservation Fund
  • Not required to go into executive session for any purpose, including discussing grant applications for conservation easements.
  • May go into executive session to discuss grant applications for easements under the “purchase or sale of property” exception
  • May not vote in executive session; instead, all votes must be taken during public potion of meeting.
2018-02  West Virginia Workers' Compensation Industrial Council
The Council must attempt to segregate the non-exempt portions from the exempt portions of its meeting when an employee being considered for potential discharge has requested an open meeting.  If segregation of exempt and nonexempt portions would make a coherent discussion impossible, then it would be appropriate to hold the meeting in executive session.

2019-03  Berkeley County Deputy Sheriffs Civil Service Commission 
A quorum of the Commission may meet outside of a public meeting to discuss logistical matters such as creating and publishing agendas and minutes and to receive budget information from staff.  A quorum may not meet outside of a public meeting to discuss staff job duties, staff performance, appropriate office conduct or approving expenditures. The Commission may discuss specific personnel matters such as employee performance in executive session. 

2021-01​  Westover City Council member 
The Open Meetings Act does not prohibit a public official from audio recording executive sessions, nor does it prohibit a governing body from barring audio recordings of executive sessions.

2022​-01  Harrison County Commission
The Open Meetings Act does not make information discussed during executive sessions confidential; nor does it create an executive session privilege.  Other rules and laws may create a duty of confidentiality.

2025-02​  Hampshire County Commission 
A county commission may meet in executive session with its attorney to discuss matters covered by the attorney-client privilege.  This exception is not limited to matters related to current and pending litigation. A county commission may also meet in executive session to discuss matters personal to an individual official or employee.  (See Open Meetings Advisory Opinion 2000-10Open Meetings Advisory Opinion 2001-02; Open Meetings Advisory Opinion 2001-25; Open Meetings Advisory Opinion 2006-13)  

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1999-09  Recorder, City of Ronceverte
City Council committees are subject to the Act.  SEE ALSO 2001-28; 2002-13

1999-11  Marion County Enforcement Agency for Marion County Unsafe Building Ordinance Inspection Component of an enforcement agency investigation falls within on-site inspection exemption to meeting definition.

2000-01  West Virginia Consolidated Public Retirement Board
Telephonic conference call consideration of applications for disability retirement falls under adjudicatory exception to meeting definition.  SEE ALSO 2002-15; 2002-16; 2008-08

  Lewisburg City Planning Commission
Gathering of Commission members, mayor and zoning officer to review submitted plans prior to scheduled hearing would constitute meeting under the Act.

2000-14  West Virginia Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council
A work session in which two or more voting members of the Funding Committee participate in discussing matters that require Committee approval is a meeting.  SEE ALSO 2001-25; 2003-11

2001-03  Pleasants County Board of Education
Two or more County Board of Education Members may properly visit a school to observe facilities, educational programs, teaching strategies and other school activities as an on-site inspection activity exempt from the requirements of the Act.

2001-08  Randolph County Commission
County Commissioners making presentation to members of separate governing body not meeting of County Commission subject to the Act.

2001-34  Preston County Commission
A quorum of County Commissioners may meet with constituents and other public officers, so long as they do not begin deliberating toward a decision on a matter requiring official action. SEE ALSO 2003-01; 2008-09

2001-36  James W. Curry Library
Series of phone calls to obtain approval for official action from board members is not a proper meeting in compliance with the Act.

2002-15  Nicholas County Deputy Civil Service Commission
Hearings on deputy sheriff disciplinary matters are exempt quasi-judicial matters, not meetings subject to the requirements of the Act.

2003-02  Morgan County Planning Commission
A quorum of a governing body can discuss logistical arrangements for a meeting at any time without holding a meeting subject to the Act.  SEE ALSO 2008-09*  When only 2 members of 11-member governing body are present, no meeting can take place.

2003-13  Parkersburg City Council Special Investigation Committee
A Special Investigation Committee authorized by the city’s charter to conduct an official investigation employing subpoena powers and taking sworn testimony is engaged in an exempt quasi-judicial proceeding when meeting to conduct such investigation. Nonetheless, general rules of procedure, hiring staff or contracting for services must be done in a regular meeting subject to the Act.

2004-17  Jefferson County Commission
Two of five elected Commissioners may meet privately and discuss issues pending before the Commission outside a formal meeting.  SEE ALSO 2003-02

2005-12  Mercer County Board of Education
Board Member may exchange e-mail communications with Superintendent and other Board Members regarding logistical matters.  Exchange of e-mails involving deliberation on merits of matter requiring official action not permitted.

2006-09  Jefferson County Planning Commission  
Email may be used by staff and members to submit drafts and proposals in advance of a meeting; email may not be used to conduct a dialogue on the merits of a matter requiring official action; staff and members may use Email freely to discuss logistical matters.

2006-10  Paden City Council  
City Council committee may conduct site visits of properties under their authority; any deliberation or discussion on the merits of any official action to be taken or proposed must take place in a meeting conducted under the Act.

2007-01  WV Statewide Addressing & Mapping Board  
Less than a quorum of 11-member Board who gather to discuss matters requiring official action does not involve a meeting subject to the Act; serial communications and E-mails may not be used to subvert the Act; a status conference for progress reports attended by a quorum of the Board is a "meeting" under the Act.

2007-03  Huntington Sanitary Board    
Two members of a three-member governing body who gather to deliberate toward a decision on any matter requiring official action are a meeting under the Act.  A series of meetings involving less than a quorum intended to avoid holding a meeting subject to the Act is not authorized. 

2007-08  Hedgesville Town Council     

  • A gathering of less than a quorum is not a meeting subject to the Act;
  • May not employ a series of gatherings to avoid a meeting;
  • A quorum may discuss logistical matters outside a formal meeting;
  • Educational, training and social gatherings are not considered meetings so long as members refrain from deliberating toward a decision on a matter requiring official action.

2008-02  Hardy County Commission
An exit conference involving a quorum of the Commission and a representative of the State Auditor's Office regarding a draft of the county's annual audit is not a meeting so long as the Commissioners refrain from deliberating toward a decision.

2008-08  Board of Funeral Service Examiners 
Public hearings regarding disciplinary matters are not "meetings" subject to the requirements of the Act.  SEE ALSO

2008-09   Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Board 

  • Staff may provide packets of information to Board Members in advance of a meeting.  SEE ALSO 2006-09
  • Other than the agenda and draft minutes, the Act does not compel advance dissemination of pre- decisional documents to the public or media.  (NOTE: OMAO 2010-04 overruled the requirement to provide draft minutes.)
  • A quorum may meet with industry representatives so long as Board Members do not engage in discussion which involves deliberating toward a decision on a matter requiring official action.
  • Work Sessions are considered meetings where a quorum is present and matters requiring official action are discussed and considered, but no votes are taken or decisions made.

2008-13  Permanent Total Disability Reviewing Board  
Board's activity in reviewing applications for permanent total disability under State's workers' compensation law involves adjudicatory function exempt from Act.   SEE ALSO  2008-08

2008-18  Boone County Board of Education    
Educational or training workshops are not meetings subject to the Act.

2009-03  Kanawha County Commission
County clerk and chairpersons of the two major political parties not a public agency under the Act.
A gathering of such a group does not constitute a meeting as defined by the Act.

2009-06  Executive Director of the WV School Board Association
Consultant retained by the BOE may meet one-on-one with the elected members of the County Board to establish criteria and skills important in hiring a new superintendent. Not a meeting subject to the Open Meetings Act

2011-03  Clarksburg City Council 
Act requires a meeting agenda to include all items that require official action that the Council will discuss at that meeting, even if the governing body does not take official action at that meeting.

2011-04  West Virginia Industrial Council
Procedural rule authorizing governing body to call a meeting upon the request of a quorum thereof does not violate Act's prohibition against discussions of quorum outside a publicly noticed meeting.  Discussion by a quorum concerning calling a meeting shall be limited to the logistics thereof, and not the substance of the topic of the proposed meeting.

2011-06  Hardy County Rural Development Authority
Quorum of county commissioners may serve on County Development Authority board only if both bodies notice the meeting.

2012-02  Bridgemont Community & Technical College
Transportation Engineering Certification Board, comprised of public employees and private sector representatives, is subject to the Open Meetings Act.  The Open Meetings Act does not require the Transportation Engineering Certification Board to make its rules available for public comment, but any deliberations, discussions or votes regarding its rules or policies must be made during a properly noticed public meeting.  Transportation Engineering Certification Board may informally discuss certification applications and/or make certification decisions outside of public meetings since this action is quasi-judicial in nature. In these quasi-judicial meetings Board Members may not discuss or decide policy matters which are required to be deliberated and acted upon during the course of a properly noticed public meeting. Transportation Engineering Certification Board is not required to make certification decisions during regular scheduled public meetings, but may do so in a quasi-judicial meeting.

2013-05  Berkeley County Council
May not conduct a series of face to face meetings involving less than a quorum of board members to avoid holding a properly noticed public meeting. Sheriff may not “lobby” individual council members for additional budgetary financing. As the council is required by statute to take official action on the Sheriff’s budget, the Sheriff must express his/her concerns to all council members in an open meeting, duly noticed, and placed on the Agenda in compliance with the Open Meetings Act.  May not attempt to use a series of communications with the intent of allowing a majority of the governing body to predetermine the outcome of a particular matter pending before the entity on which they serve.  SEE ALSO OM 2008-09, 2001-25, 2003-11, 2004-17, 2007-08, 2009-07, 2007-03 

2013-05-R  Berkeley County Council
Ratified on January 21, 2014,​ by the West Virginia Ethics Commission Committee on Open Government Meetings. 

2013-06  Mayor of Philippi and City Council Members

  • May meet directly before City Council meetings, as long as they fully comply with the requirements of the Open Meetings Act.
  • The Open Meetings Act does not recognize “work sessions”. It is immaterial that a governmental body does not vote.
  • At any meeting during which official action is to be taken or discussion is intended to lead to official action, the agenda must identify the items to be discussed.
  • It is against the spirit of the Act to hold meetings in a place where the public cannot meaningfully gain access. City Council is encouraged to hold its meetings in a location where the public can more easily attend to avoid any real or perceived impropriety.
  • See also OM 2011-03, 2008-09, 2001-25, 2003-11, 2013-05, 2004-17, 2007-01, 2007-03, 2007-08, 2009-07, 2008-17, 2000-15, 2008-15.
2014-01  Members of Lincoln County Board of Education
May associate with each other outside of noticed public meetings, including attending partisan political functions such as political action committee activities together.  Whether or not a quorum of the governing body attends the same function, where no action or discussion of the governing body takes place, it is not a meeting under the Open Meetings Act.  See also OM 2001-08, 2004-17, 2007-01, 2008-09, 2007-03.

2014-02  Mayor of Harper’s Ferry and Town Council
Town committees and study groups that contain two or more members of a governing body, and make recommendations to the mayor, Town Council, or to another municipal agency are subject to the Open Meetings Act.  Those who are merely tasked with collation of data or preliminary research, are not subject to the Act, as long as they are not making recommendations about that data to the Council or otherwise exercising executive or legislative power. 

2015-01  Finance Committee Members
A quorum of finance committee members may not meet outside of a properly noticed public meeting with an accounting firm to define the scope of the services to be provided and to retain its services.  

2015-02  Parkersburg City Council Member
Gathering of members of City Council in order to give an accounting a firm a bid package is not a meeting subject to the Act. 

2017-01  City Council Members-Elect
City council members-elect do not constitute a “governing body” under the Open Meetings Act because they do not have the authority to make decisions for or recommendations to the city on policy or administration prior to taking the oath of office.  Their gatherings therefore are not “meetings” under the Act.

2018-01  Wetzel County Commission
A quorum of the County Commission may attend annual private meetings with other elected county officials and their staffs so long as the Commissioners do not engage in a discussion that involves deliberating toward a decision on a matter requiring official action.  To avoid any possibility of contravening the Act, the Committee nonetheless recommends the County Commission President or another designated member of the Commission attend the meetings and report back to the Commission during the course of a properly noticed meeting where this item has been placed on the agenda.

2019-03  Berkeley County Deputy Sheriffs Civil Service Commission
A quorum of the Commission may meet outside of a public meeting to discuss logistical matters such as creating and publishing agendas and minutes and to receive budget information from staff. A quorum may not meet outside of a public meeting to discuss staff job duties, staff performance, appropriate office conduct or approving expenditures. The Commission may discuss specific personnel matters such as employee performance in executive session. 

2024-02​ Jefferson County Planning Commission

Jefferson County Planning Commission committees are governing bodies of the Planning Commission that must comply with the Open Meetings Act if the Planning Commission delegates authority to the committees to make recommendations to the Planning Commission’s staff or consultants on policy or administration and the staff or consultants make recommendations to the Planning Commission on those same matters.

2024-03​ Vienna City Council

A steering committee created by a city council to work with an engineering firm to develop a master plan for a park is a governing body, and a quorum of its members may not meet to deliberate or vote on policy or administrative matters outside of a properly noticed public meeting. ​

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1999-08  Monongalia County Board of Education
Meeting may be held by telephone or other electronic means; public must be given notice of telephone conference, public place must be provided for those who wish to attend, persons participating by telephone must be audible to all personally present, and minutes must be kept.  SEE ALSO 2001-36.  Member cannot vote by fax (§ 6-9A-8 prohibits voting by written ballot).

2000-08  Rainelle Town Council
Nothing in the Act prohibits a governing body from listening to a citizen complaint or other citizen feedback solely because the citizen wishes to speak to an issue not on the agenda.

2000-09  Berkeley County Solid Waste Authority
Members who appear for a public meeting lacking a quorum may nonetheless publicly discuss any issue on the meeting agenda, so long as no official action is taken.

2000-12  Preston County Board of Education
W. Va. Code § 6-9A-8(a) requires school board to include names of affected employees in published personnel agenda provided to public, or announce names to supplement published agenda, prior to voting on agenda matters.

2001-06  Marlinton Town Council
Town Council may not vote to fill vacant seat on Council by secret written ballot notwithstanding Town ordinance that calls for secret ballot.  SEE ALSO 2002-18; 2004-04

2001-07  Burnsville Town Council
No provision in Open Meetings Act prohibits Town Recorder or any citizen attending public meeting of Town Council from tape recording meeting, so long as the equipment does not unduly interfere with the meeting.
SEE ALSO 2005-08; 2008-09*

2001-30  Lewisburg City Council
No provision in Act requires governing body to provide public comment period;
comments may be limited to those who sign up in advance to speak and who wish to address items on agenda.
SEE ALSO 2003-11; 2006-04

2002-08  Clarksburg Water Board
Board may eject employee whose misconduct at meeting compromises the orderly conduct of the meeting.

   Berkeley County Planning Commission   
Public comment periods are not mandatory under the Act.  A Governing body may set a reasonable time limit for public comments.  A time limit of three minutes per speaker during public comment period is not unreasonable.

2007-12   Kanawha County Board of Education  
Board Members may question Superintendent and staff regarding matters not on agenda; Board members may question speakers appearing during public comment period regarding matters not on agenda; if a matter raised by speakers or Board Members is not on agenda, the members must not transition into a dialogue or deliberation toward a decision; members may discuss logistical matters such as whether to place an issue on a future agenda or when to hold a special meeting.

2008-11  Mingo County Board of Education   
Governing bodies have inherent discretion to change order of business during meeting; governing body determines what point in meeting to accept public comment.

2009-08  Lewis County  Commission
Quorum of County Commission members may not text, instant message or email each other during a meeting.
May text or email a member of the public for more information during a meeting.

2012-02  Bridgemont Community & Technical College

  • Transportation Engineering Certification Board, comprised of public employees and private sector representatives, is subject to the Open Meetings Act.
  • The Open Meetings Act does not require the Transportation Engineering Certification Board to make its rules available for public comment, but any deliberations, discussions or votes regarding its rules or policies must be made during a properly noticed public meeting.
  • Transportation Engineering Certification Board may informally discuss certification applications and/or make certification decisions outside of public meetings since this action is quasi-judicial in nature. In these quasi-judicial meetings Board Members may not discuss or decide policy matters which are required to be deliberated and acted upon during the course of a properly noticed public meeting.
  • Transportation Engineering Certification Board is not required to make certification decisions during regular scheduled public meetings, but may do so in a quasi-judicial meeting.
2014-03  Auctioneer Board of Review
Processes are correctly defined as “adjudicatory sessions”, due to their decisions regarding whether auctioneers should have their licenses suspended or revoked.  W.Va. Code § 6-9A-2(5)(A) specifically excludes every meeting for the purpose of making an adjudicatory decision in any quasi-judicial, administrative, or court of claims proceeding, making this board’s sessions exempt; not subject to the Open Meetings Act, and also not required to file meeting notices with the Secretary of State.

2019-02  City of Winfield 
A public agency may not prohibit anyone -- the public or the media -- from using equipment necessary for broadcasting, photographing, filming or recording a meeting unless it is to prevent undue interference with the meeting.  The public’s ordinary use of such equipment alone may not be declared to constitute undue interference with a public agency’s meetings.

2021-01​  Westover City Council member
The Open Meetings Act does not prohibit a public official from audio recording executive sessions, nor does it prohibit a governing body from barring audio recordings of executive sessions.  

2023-01Monongalia County Commission
The Open Meetings Act does not require a governing body to provide a physical meeting space but requires only that citizens be given access to a meeting by telephone conferencing or other electronic means.

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2006-04  Charles Town City Council
Governing body has discretion to determine how much detail regarding debate and public comment is contained in the meeting minutes

2008-09  Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Board  
Minutes must be maintained for all work sessions; work sessions minutes may be combined into single document with minutes of subsequent meeting; Board has discretion whether to record its work sessions.
(NOTE: OMAO 2010-04 overruled the requirement to provide draft minutes.)

2008-12  WV Board of Accountancy 
Governing body has discretion whether to record its meetings to aid in preparation of meeting minutes.  No requirement to maintain recording after minutes are approved.

2009-01  Mercer County Board of Education 
Must include in the meeting minutes the name of an employee the Board has disciplined.

2010-04  Town of Cowen

  • Minutes become the official record of a proceeding once they are approved.
  • A reasonable period of time to make minutes available is immediately following the next regular meeting, but no later than close of business on the next business day following that meeting, absent compelling circumstances.
  • If material changes are to be made, then, in the absence of compelling circumstances, the minutes should be available for inspection no later than three business days following the meeting.
  • Draft minutes not required, but encouraged, to be made available for public inspection.

2011-01  Wood County Commission
For a governing body that meets two times a week, a reasonable period of time to make minutes from both meetings held the previous week available is immediately following the governing body’s second regular meeting, but no later than the close of business on the next business day following that meeting.  If material changes are required to be made to the draft minutes reviewed by the body, then, in the absence of compelling circumstances, the minutes should be available for inspection no later than three business days following the second regular meeting.  SEE ALSO O.M.A.O. 2010-04

2012-04  Conservation District

  • Must either identify on agenda each invoice and amount to be approved for payment, OR state on agenda that a list of invoices, or the invoices themselves, are available for public review.
  • Must have a list of invoices, which includes the name of each vendor and the amount owed to each, available for public review at least two business days before the meeting, not counting the day of the meeting. OR Must have all invoices being considered available for review at the agency’s office during its public office hours.
  • May not add invoices after deadline to amend agenda has passed, e.g. governing body may not add to the stack right before the meeting.
  • Must either record in minutes name and amount of every invoice approved OR attach to minutes a list of the invoices approved, and amount of each.
  • When considering award of grant or request for money, agenda must identify potential recipient by name, but may omit amount
  • Minutes must include both the name of the recipient and the amount awarded.
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1999-14  Grant County Commission
Committee on Open Governmental Meetings has no authority to rule upon questions arising under Open Hospital Proceedings Act.

2000-11  Educational Broadcasting Authority
Open Governmental Proceedings Act does not authorize Committee to render opinion on ability of ex officio member to designate an alternate.

2002-13  New Martinsville City Council
Open Meetings Act does not control who may participate in a committee meeting in the absence of a designated member.

2005-02 Fairview Town Council
The Open Meetings Act does not control which town official has authority to cancel or postpone a scheduled meeting.

 Huntington City Council
In order to cure an Open Meetings Act violation that was not knowing and intentional, governing body must give three days’ notice of meeting where matter will be reconsidered, allow free and full discussion, including public comment, and record the open portion of that meeting, retaining the recording for 6 months.

2006-03  Resident of Berkeley County
A person does not have standing to request an advisory opinion on policies and practices of the Berkeley County Planning Commission since he is not a member of that body.

2006-05  Berkeley County Planning Commission   
The Act does not authorize the Committee to rule on time limits or procedures for conducting a statutorily mandated public hearing.

2012-04  Conservation District

  • Must either identify on agenda each invoice and amount to be approved for payment, OR state on agenda that a list of invoices, or the invoices themselves, are available for public review.
  • Must have a list of invoices, which includes the name of each vendor and the amount owed to each, available for public review at least two business days before the meeting, not counting the day of the meeting. OR Must have all invoices being considered available for review at the agency’s office during its public office hours.
  • May not add invoices after deadline to amend agenda has passed, e.g. governing body may not add to the stack right before the meeting.
  • Must either record in minutes name and amount of every invoice approved OR attach to minutes a list of the invoices approved, and amount of each.
  • When considering award of grant or request for money, agenda must identify potential recipient by name, but may omit amount
  • Minutes must include both the name of the recipient and the amount awarded.
2017-01  City Council members-elect
City council members-elect do not constitute a “governing body” under the Open Meetings Act because they do not have the authority to make decisions for or recommendations to the city on policy or administration prior to taking the oath of office.  Their gatherings therefore are not “meetings” under the Act.  

2024-01County Commission  
A county commission does not have standing to request an Open Meetings Advisory Opinion regarding the actions or proposed actions of a county planning commission, a separate public agency created by the commission. 

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2000-05  Region VI Planning and Development Council
Enabling legislation gives Council authority to establish less than majority quorum requirement.

2000-09  Berkeley County Solid Waste Authority
Ordinarily, a five-member board must have three members present to have a quorum sufficient to conduct official business.

2006-08  Marshall County E 911 Board  
Absent explicit authority in the law creating an E-911 Board, a simple majority is required for a quorum; board is not authorized to adopt a lower requirement

2006-12  West Virginia Health Information Network  
W.VA. Code  §16-29G-2(d) provides explicit authority for a quorum of less than 50 percent of the members.

2006-14  Hardy County Rural Development Authority 
No authority in Act for action taken by less than a quorum.

2007-11  West Virginia Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy Technology Board of Examiners 
Ordinarily, vacant positions are not counted in determining a quorum.  

2011-04  West Virginia Industrial Council
Procedural rule authorizing governing body to call a meeting upon the request of a quorum thereof does not violate Act's prohibition against discussions of quorum outside a publicly noticed meeting.  Discussion by a quorum concerning calling a meeting shall be limited to the logistics thereof, and not the substance of the topic of the proposed meeting.

2011-07   Webster Springs Town Council
Mayor and recorder are members of the governing body of a municipality.  Unless Town charter provides that recorder and mayor are not permitted to vote, they are to be counted in determining a quorum.

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2001-32  Berkeley County Development Authority Committee
Proposed procedural rules should be revised to include a specific provision that the date, time, place and purpose of any special meetings will be included in the posted notice advising the public of such meeting; if more than one matter will be addressed at a special meeting, the agenda must be prepared and made available to the public and media at the same time the meeting notice is issued.  Once these revisions have been made, proposed rules satisfy the minimal requirements of W. Va. Code § 6-9A-3. Other provisions may be included that are not inconsistent with the Act.  SEE ALSO 2001-33, 2001-35, 2001-38, 2001-39; 2002-01, 2002-03, 2002-04, 2002-12, 2002-14, 2002-19, 2002-20; 2003-03, 2003-04, 2003-06, 2003-10, 203-15; 2004-01, 2004-02; 2004-04; 2004-​14; 2006-04

2006-07  West Virginia Board of Respiratory Care
Governing bodies of State agencies must publish notice of regular and special meetings in the State Register five calendar days in advance.  

2006-11  Fountain Public Service District  
Not required to publish meeting notice in State Register but must give "reasonable" notice of meetings.

Must post notice of special meeting two business days in advance.  SEE ALSO  2006-15, 2007-06

2006-12  West Virginia Health Information Network

W.  Va. Code  §16-29G-2(d) provides explicit authority for a quorum of fewer than 50 percent of the members.

2008-15  City of Oak Hill   

Act permits governing body to limit speakers making public comments to three minutes.  Speakers may be required to provide name, address and subject of comments.  Approved rule for changing meeting venue to accommodate large crowd.  Clerk may erase meeting recordings after minutes approved.

2010-02  Mineral County Commission

  • Proposed procedural rules should be revised to include a specific provision that, when counting days, the day of the meeting, Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays are excluded; to comply with the posting deadline, the agenda must be posted by close of the business day.
  • Proposed rule limiting attendance at meetings "upon such basis as the Commission may from time to time select" is too broad.  Rule should be revised to ensure that no one is excluded from attending a crowded meeting for an arbitrary reason.
  • Proposed rule adopting Roberts Rules of Order should be revised to clarify that the Constitution of West Virginia and state laws supersede Roberts Rules of Order in the event of any conflict.  
  • Other provisions in proposed rules are not inconsistent with the Act.

2016-02  ​Pocahontas County Commission
Proposed policy and procedures should be revised to exclude the day of the meeting from the regular and special meeting notice period calculation.  Proposed policy and procedures should also be revised to state that a governing body shall post an emergency meeting as soon as practicable prior to the meeting and that an emergency meeting agenda shall include the facts and circumstances of the emergency.  Once these revisions have been made, the proposed policy and procedures satisfy the minimal requirements of the Open Meetings Act.  SEE ALSO 2016-03

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