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News and Announcements


--Advisory Opinions:  The Ethics Commission issued three Advisory Opinions on September 5, 2024.  To view the Opinions, click:  AO 2024-07; AO 2024-08; and AO 2024-09.  The Committee on Open Governmental Meetings issued one Advisory Opinion on September 5, 2024.  To view the Opinion, click:  OMAO 2024-03​.

--Lobbyist Activity Reports for period May 1, 2024, to August 31, 2024, are due on Monday, September 16, 2024.  

--Our online lobbyist portal has a new look!  Your username and password will be the same as the old system.  Please email Rachel with any questions!​​​​


--Training:  Our next virtual training on the Ethics and Open Meetings Acts will be on October 30 from n​oon-1:00. The training is open to all. Email for an invite. The training has be​en approved for one hour of CLE and CPE credits.​

--Election​ Booklet:  ​Are you thinking about running for public office?  To assist you in understanding the rules, the Ethics ​Commission has published an Election​​Booklet containing guidance on Ethics Act rules and other laws within the Commission’s jurisdiction governing campaigns and successful candidates once they are sworn into office.  Helpful information about elections may also be found in our October 2019 Newsletter.​



