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 Online Financial Disclosure

Welcome to the Online Financial Disclosure Filing System! 

The Online Financial Disclosure Filing System allows any individual with a filing obligation to securely file online.  The system is free to use and can be accessed easily once the registration steps below are completed.  Some of the benefits of filing online are:
  • Filing online is easier: Step by step progression is easy to follow
  • Filing online is quicker: Reports are received instantly  - nothing to mail!
  • Filing online is convenient: The system is available 24-7-365
  • Access to previously filed reports at any time (only those filed online can be accessed)
  • Easy updating of information on file with the Ethics Commission
  • Chance for reporting errors is reduced

Getting started is easy. Follow these simple steps below. 

1. Visit to create and activate 
    your account.

     *Note - You must activate your account by clicking the link in the automated email you will 
               receive.  If you do not receive an email within 15 minutes of creating your account,
               call Technical Support at
(304) 414-0265.  See below for an instructional video 
               demonstrating how to create your account.

2. What type of filer are you?

    A. Regular Filer
        If you have filed a paper form in past years and wish to e-file this year, you must contact the Ethics Commission (304-558-0664)  to obtain your 9 digit PIN number and to verify your email address. (Note: The PIN is NOT the same number that appears your mailing label.)  Once you have obtained the correct PIN, log into the Online Financial Disclosure Filing System to register with your PIN and email address.  Verify or change your information to proceed with the e-filing.

    B. New filer who is a Candidate, New Appointee  (or employee) to a Board, Commission, or State Agency  that requires you to file a Financial Disclosure Statement
        If you are a new candidate, or new appointee or employee serving on a board, agency or commission who has not filed a Disclosure Statement in the past, log into the Online Financial Disclosure Filing System, select either Candidate or Appointee and proceed with registration by entering your information.

3. File your Financial Disclosure Statement Online!
    Access the online system here!